Saturday, January 10, 2009

2009 Goals

I am really bored right now so I said what the heck I will begin a blog. My Goals for this new year are really just to climb outside more. It was great pulling on granite that one day last September and I have been dreaming of going back ever since. I also would like to sport climb more in the gym as well as outdoors (since I have never done that outside).

Grades wise I would like to send V6/V7 by my last trip outside. I have been pulling really hard at the WRG and I believe I can send some harder stuff outdoors then what I managed to send during my last trip to Leavenworth.

Another goal climbing wise is to possibly get out to Squamish. I have heard nothing but great things about it and I would like to experiece this world class climbing for myself.

Apart from climbing, I want to finish my Eagle Scout rank by the end of the summer. By doing this during my break I would not have to worry about finishing it during school.


  1. Sorry I didn't know I was getting graded on it haha

    you are right though I had quite a few erros

  2. Nice!! Eric, it's cool that you started a blog and claimed some goals (I didn't realize you're close to earning your Eagle Scout!)...let me know in June if you want a lift climbing anywhere.

